Today, I received confirmation that our first maintenance agreement was signed! This is a big deal for Property Serv and a step in the right direction for the business. The maintenance agreements we offer do have no monthly fee. Why pay for something you're not using? We charge per job unless there is something that is reoccurring, then a flat rate can be set. We don't even charge by the hour, it is really by the job! If you are interested or have question about this service, call or email and we can discuss options. Property Serv is insured and believes in doing quality work. Job creation is just around the corner, the more agreements we get the closer we get to hiring new people!
Perhaps it is like reporting any public hazard—if you don’t do it, someone could be injured or killed. When an untrained worker does renovation on buildings containing lead, he exposes himself, his client, and his family to a lead hazard. He may spread lead dust throughout the home he’s working on, and he can carry lead dust home on his clothes, face, and hands. The lead safe practices used by certified RRP contractors minimize this possibility—thus protecting the residents of the building, the construction worker, and his family.
When a lead-safe certified contractor drives by a pre-1978 project that he bid on and sees the work being done by non-certified renovator, just how is he supposed to feel? He is obeying the law and doing business in safe manner, yet he is losing income needed to pay his employees and support his family to the renegade renovator. A contractor in Maine shot a video of a non-compliant renovator sanding the side of an apartment complex without containment, PPE, or any safety precautions. Then he posted the video on YouTube. Although it took several months, the non-compliant renovator was eventually cited and fined by the EPA. CONCLUSION The EPA admits that without people bringing RRP violations to their attention their enforcement efforts are diminished. They are hoping that the majority of contractors have a willingness to report misconduct by non-compliant renovators. When compliant contractors have their livelihood jeopardized by what amounts to criminal activity, reporting RRP violations is not vicarious snitching but only good corporate citizenship. We finished painting Mancino's last Monday morning, we finished about 12:30AM. It's done and the owners are happy. Stop in and check it out. We can paint your business as well, call for a free estimate.
Property Serv does offer home and property maintenance agreements. These are set up so that you do not pay a monthly fee, we charge by the job! Why pay for something when you don't need it. This will give you peace of mind to know that all you have to do is pick up the phone and call. From maintaining the landscape to fixing broken pipes, we've got you covered. No more shopping around trying to find someone you can trust or has your best interest in mind. Property Serv is making Richmond and the surrounding communities a better place to live. Contact us to find out more!
AuthorCraig Jones, owner of Property Serv LLC. My goal is to better educate the homeowner and to make Richmond a better place to live. Archives
October 2013